I Take Alkaline Liven Coffee from Aim Global to Reduce Brain Fog
I suffer from brain fog because I have low thyroid level. I had a radio active iodine treatment a few years ago and it made me suffer from hypothyroidism. Having brain fog is terrible because it makes your life difficult. If you have brain fog, your memory span is short and you forget easily. You’ll have difficulty processing information and it’s difficult to focus. I feel slow mentally and it’s really embarrassing sometimes. Other people don’t get it that’s why I don’t bother to explain to them my condition. It’s also difficult to communicate in speech and in writing. I noticed that that I’m not as mentally alert as before and when I use my brain to process information, I feel exhausted afterwards. There are many other symptoms that are difficult to handle but I won’t mention those things anymore. Drinking alkaline liven coffee from aim global has helped when it comes to boosting my memory and it reduced the brain fog symptoms a bit that’s why I recommend the product to other people who suffer from the same condition.
Alkaline Liven Coffee from Aim Global is also Great for GERD Sufferers
I mentioned in my previous post that I also have GERD or acid reflux disorder. If you have GERD, you can’t drink coffee because it would trigger an acid reflux attack. When I don’t take coffee, I feel sleepy all the time that’s why I need coffee so I’d be mentally and physically alert. It’s a great thing that there’s the liven coffee from AIM and now I can enjoy drinking coffee without having to worry about my acid reflux. It’s an alkaline coffee that’s why GERD sufferers can drink it. The liven coffee is not acidic. If you want to buy the coffee, you need to buy it from an aim global dealers because it’s exclusively distributed by members. If you want to join to avail discount or to take advantage of the business opportunity that aim global offers, then feel free to comment below and I’ll make sure to connect you to a dealer.
Aim Global Alkaline Liven Coffee is Good for GERD (Product Review)
Feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I don’t always proofread my posts so expect typos and grammatical errors 🙂 If you’re a grammar nazi, I apologize in advance 🙂
[…] the revitalized coffee because it boost my energy. I only buy 2 brands of coffee, one is the liven coffee from AIM Global and the other is the Revitalized Coffee from Personal Collection. I like the liven coffee because […]