Guide On How To Create A Free Blog or Website
I’ve been getting a lot of messages on how to create a free blog or website so I decided to just make a short guide on this post. If you have questions, feel free to comment. It’s so easy to get set up a free website and in this post I’ll cover setting up a free website or blog on blogger (blogspot). You can host your site for free on google but you need to abide by their terms of service. If you violate their terms, they will delete delete your blog and also they can detect if you are posting spam posts so make sure to read their Terms of service or agreement.
You need to have a gmail account to create a blog at . If you don’t have an gmail account, go to and create a new email address using gmail. Once you already have an email, go to and set up your site. Just follow the image guide I’ve posted below.
Explore on your blog design and once you are satisfied with your post, click publish then you can view your website. Create a new post if you want to add contents or posts on your website. I suggest that you post atleast 3 times a week and expose site posts by spreading or bookmarking your link on popular bookmarking sites. There are a lot of ways to generate traffic into your website but you need to be consistent if you want to increase your site traffic in a short period of time. But you need to concentrate writing great content first.
I’ll write post on how to customize sidebar widget or header on my future post so make sure to enter your name and email to get free tips in the future.
If you want a step by step video guide on how to create a free website or free autoresponder, followup emails to prospects and clients, check this online marketing guide post.
The above method is creating a free blog at Another option to create a nice looking free blog is using the platform at Wealthy Affiliate. It let’s you create 2 free website as a free member. I’m a member of wealthy affiliate so I know how the platform can help you learn and focus with online marketing. I’ve seen many tools, trainings, ebooks about internet marketing that doesn’t work. Those tools would just confuse you and with all the informations and the different methods that they teach, you’ll just be paralyze into taking action. I’ve been there and it was a frustrating experience. With wealthy affiliate, you’ll be guided and you won’t be confused plus you’ll be motivated.
Wealthy affiliate also has bootcamp training for free members and premium members. As a free member, you’ll be able to access the free course and you can promote the training at wealthy affiliate even if you don’t upgrade to premium but ofcourse if you are a premium member, you get higher commissions plus you even get $1 for everyone that signs up for free. And as a premium member, you get access to all certification course, all the tools and the weekly live webinars.
The first time I came across wealthy affiliate, I thought that it was any other training program I’ve seen online like the empower networks and the other schemes. There is a monthly subscription for premium members so it didn’t appeal to me because it’s a bit expensive for me but I still tried their free membership. Within the 7 days trial period, I explored the site. I took the time to finish the free course and I tried to spy on other members. I tried to read what successful members are writing on their blog and I was really impressed because even new members get results because of the training and because they took action.
Before my 7 days trial period ends, I upgraded and I tried to watch all the videos on the certification course. I did the tasks after each lessons. I now understand the process of setting up a site and how to identify niche. I also learned how to properly write contents and how to monetize and I learned to properly use the tools within the platform.
It helped me become more focus and so I’m happy to share this to as many people as possible. I’ve made money thru network marketing because I know how to setup my site but I wasn’t happy because I couldn’t help my downlines learn how to setup a site online, etc. That’s why when I found wealthy affiliate, I told myself that this is what others need to be successful with their business “A SOLID TRAINING WITHIN THE WEALTHY AFFILIATE PLATFORM”.
So when someone contact me because they want to join the network marketing that I promoted online, I asked them first if they are willing to undergo training within the platform because I know that it could help them with their network marketing business. Without any knowledge in network marketing, it would be difficult for them to earn. If they are not willing to learn, I always tell them to think it over first because I’ve had members who joined on my network marketing business and never earned because they didn’t take the time to learn.
Right now, I’m just happy to promote this training platform.
For those who want to learn about affiliate marketing or setting up a site so you can monetize it, try the wealthy affiliate platform. Check more info on this link.
Feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I don’t always proofread my posts so expect typos and grammatical errors 🙂 If you’re a grammar nazi, I apologize in advance 🙂
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